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Rules Highlight Card OYAA.doc Size : 39.5 Kb Type : doc |
Rules updated 3/22/2018
1. The following prerequisites have been established for OYAA coaches:
A. All coaches must be Orthodox Christians in good standing.
B. Special situations concerning coaches must be brought to the Executive Committee, for presentation by the Committee to the OYAA Council, for consideration.
2. To be eligible to participate in the OYAA, players must be baptized Orthodox Christians or married to an Orthodox Christian in good standing.
3. Only coaches and their assistants, as designated by team rosters, may sit with players on their bench. The names of coaches and assistants will be listed in the official score book.
4. Each gym must provide a score book which includes the OYAA rules governing the game.
5. The home team will keep the official score book. If the game is played on a neutral court, the home team is determined by a coin flip before the beginning of each game.
6. A roster fee of $250.00 from each parish entering teams for the WINTER SEASON is due at the December meeting of each year. A deposit of $250.00 from each parish entering teams for the SPRING SEASON is due at the February meeting of each year only if they did not participate in the Winter Season. The $250.00 registration fee, from each parish, shall accompany the rosters for the teams being entered in the league, and is non-refundable if a member parish either adds or withdraws a team after the registration deadline.
The rosters must be signed by the priest and OYAA Representative to be valid. Rosters will not be accepted for that division play after these dates (December and February).
A. Additional players may be added to the rosters up until one week prior to the beginning of the season. Additional players must be listed on the Roster Revisions form and this form must be signed by the Priest and OYAA Representative to be valid.
B. Once the scheduled has been approved by the Father Commissioner, if a member Parish withdraws a team(s), that Parish will be responsible for any referee fees incurred from the withdrawal of that team(s).
7. Any qualified basketball official, recognized by a bona fide Officials Association, may officiate OYAA games regardless of Church Affiliation.
8. A new team or team wishing to change its uniform colors must first receive approval of the colors from the OYAA Council.
9. All players on a team must have matching uniform jerseys with numbers on the front and back of the jersey. No two numbers on a team should be the same in any given game.
A. No team, shall play players without a number on their jersey, that have a different uniform than the rest of their team, or have tape or other marking on any jersey. shall automatically forfeit the game. A technical foul will be issued for each jersey in violation of league rules and will result in two free throws per technical foul for the opposing team.
10. In the event two teams have identical won-loss records at the end of all regular league games:
A. The winner of the game, between the two teams, shall be awarded higher placement.
B. If these two teams have played each other twice during the regular season and each team has won one game, strength of schedule shall determine higher seeding. A win by forfeit shall not be considered a determining factor.
C. If strength of schedule is also tied, then placement will be determined by the flip of a coin.
D. In case of a three-way tie, a coin flip will determine the placement of those three teams. Winner of the coin flip will automatically be in the tournament. The other two teams will play a game and the winner will play in the tournament.
E. If an uneven number of games are played in league play by teams, a percentage by wins will be used in determining team standings.
11. There will be no profanity or vulgarity by players, coaches or spectators. We expect the referees to use discretion and they will be instructed to issue a technical foul A technical foul will be issued for the first violation by a player, coach or spectator. Warnings may be issued by the referees prior to the tip-off. No warnings will be issued during the game. One technical foul on a spectator will result in the spectator having to leave the gymnasium.
A. If a player receives a second technical foul in the same game for violation of league rules of Christian conduct, the league commissioner shall notify the player’s parish priest of the violation.
12. If a player is ejected, they are required to leave the gymnasium immediately or his team will forfeit the game.
13. An ejection from any game will result in a suspension of at least one additional game as determined by the OYAA Review Board.
A. A suspension can be appealed as long as the appeal is submitted to the OYAA Review Board within 72 hours.
14. A team failing to appear for a regularly scheduled games shall forfeit the game to its opponent.
A. If a game is forfeited because a team cannot field five players, a pick-up game may be played for practice and the officials present will officiate.
B. The team which forfeits the game, without notifying the Commissioner’s Office 24 hours before the time of the game as scheduled, must pay charges for officials for that game.
C. The team opposing the team, which has forfeited its first game, receives a win and all the other teams, which had been scheduled to play the team which has withdrawn due to its forfeit of the first game, receive a win.
D. All fees owed the OYAA, for the entire season, shall be remitted by the team which has withdrawn, after the schedule has been mailed to the Parishes, and no other teams from that parish will be allowed to participate, in the current or any upcoming seasons, until such fees are remitted.
F. Games will not be rescheduled. Furthermore, the director of referees will not assign referees without the Father Commissioner’s authorization. Any unauthorized assignment of referees will not be paid by the league.
15. If a Priest or OYAA representative wishes to speak to an official, to inform him of certain conditions, they must approach the scorer’s bench. The horn will then sound to call the official to the bench for discussion.
A. Only the coaches and designated captains, of the teams playing on the court at the time, may approach the scorer’s table to ask questions.
16. Any OYAA participant, who throws a punch, will be expelled from the league for the season. The priest commissioner will investigate and confirm the incident with the game officials. Additional action against the person or persons expelled may be taken, if considered necessary, by the OYAA Executive Board. The player who threw the punch shall be expelled for the season be he/she either the offensive puncher or the defensive puncher.
Moreover, if the incident takes place during the playoffs or championship game, the player will be suspended for the entirety of the following season.
17. Officials will allow 15 minutes delay in starting a game before calling a forfeit. The 15 minute delay begins with the exact time of the game as scheduled.
18. Championship Games require either an independent time-keeper and score-keeper, not affiliated with any member Parish, be employed or ones who are mutually agreed upon by the competing teams. Also, there must be a time-clock on the wall.
19. Junior Varsity teams, placing first through fourth place in the league standings, will qualify for the playoffs. Adult and High School teams, placing first through fourth place in the league standings and which have not forfeited a game during the regular season, will qualify for the playoffs. If a division is divided into two sub-divisions, the two sub-divisions will be combined and teams placing first through fourth place and which have not forfeited a game during the regular season, will qualify for the playoffs. If an Adult or High School has forfeited two or more games during the regular season, but can show evidence that their forfeiture was due to a physical inability to field a team, then that team will still be eligible for the playoffs. Playoff match-ups will be first seed plays fourth seed and second seed plays third seed.
20. Any player, coach or spectator, who addresses a Priest disrespectfully, will be suspended for the entire season.
21. Any player, who leaves the bench, during an on-court altercation or dispute, will be suspended for the remainder of that game and the following game. Should this suspension occur during a playoff game and the suspended player’s team wins, the following game suspension will be enforced in the championship game. Should this suspension occur during a playoff game and the suspended player’s team loses or should this suspension occur during the championship game, the following game suspension will be enforced in the first game of the next season.
22. Any team that plays a non-roster player, in an OYAA game, will be automatically disqualified for that season and playoffs. The disqualified team will have its season record changed to no wins and all losses. Finally, any team defeated by the disqualified team, during the season, will have the result of that game changed to a victory.
23. Players may only play on one team and in one division per season.
1. General Rules applying to all Junior Varsity Teams
2. The deadline for Boys and Girls Elementary School and Middle School team rosters is the December Meeting. The rosters must be signed by the parish priest and the OYAA Representative. Rosters will not be accepted after the December meeting date.
3. Each roster must have at least 7 players names in order to be valid.
4. Each parish is expected to direct their coaches to play each player a half quarter (four minutes) in the spirit of sportsmanship.
5. No press or fast break will be used if a team’s lead is or exceeds 15 points. If this rule is not followed, the violation will be brought to the attention of the referee. A warning will be issued. Any violation, after the warning, shall result in a team technical.
6. The 3-point shot is in effect for the Junior Division. 3 free throws awarded if fouled taking a 3 pointer.
7. In the case that only one referee shows for a Junior Varsity game, the game will be played with one referee.
8. All Junior Varsity games will be played in two 20-minute halves with a 5-minute intermission between halves. The game clock will be running except on all time outs, official time outs, the last minute of the first half, and the last two minutes of the second half.
9. Two timeouts per half. Carryover allowed from 2nd half to overtime only.
10. Overtime for all Junior Varsity games will be four minutes. The game clock will be running except on all time outs, official time outs, and the last minute of the overtime. One additional time out will be given to each team during an overtime period. Unused time outs from 2nd half only will carry over into overtime.
11.Cut-off period, for eligibility is December 31st before the Season begins.
(boys and girls)
1. Regular High School Rules apply. Fouls not called closely.
2. Games will be played in two 20-minute halves with a 5-minute intermission between halves.
3.3-Second rule is in effect.
4. Two paid referees per game.
5. Ball size is Intermediate (28.5).
6. All foul shots shall be taken from the inner circle.
7. Five Players must be on the court in order to start a game.
8. There is no pressing in the backcourt.
9. During the LAST TEN SECONDS of the game, if either team calls a time out, the ball must be taken out at mid-court and passed forward unless the ball has been advanced already to the forward court.
(Boys and Girls)
1. Regular High School Rules apply.
2. 3-Second rule is in effect.
3. Two paid referees per game.
4. Regular size basketball is used for the Boys Division.
5. Girls ball size is Intermediate (28.5).
6. Five Players must be on the court in order to start a game.
1. The deadline for submittal of team rosters for High School Boys and Girls, Adult and Senior Division Basketball shall be the February meeting. Rosters must be signed, by the Parish Priest and the OYAA Representative, to be valid and rosters will not be accepted after the February meeting.
2. Games will be played in two 20-minute halves with a 5-minute intermission between halves. The game clock will be running except on all time outs, official time outs, the last minute of the first half, and the last two minutes of the second half.
3. Two timeouts per half. Carryover of timeouts only from 2nd half to overtime.
4. Overtime for all Varsity games will be four minutes. The game clock will be running except on all time outs, official time outs, and the last minute of the overtime. One additional time out will be given to each team during an overtime period. Unused time outs from 2nd half only will carry over into overtime.
5. No press or fast break will be used if a team’s lead is or exceeds 20 points.
1. A player must be in high school. A player, under 18 years of age and in college and not playing collegiate basketball, shall be permitted to play with the High School Varsity team.
2. Regular High School Rules observed. The 3-point shot is in effect. 3 free throws awarded if fouled taking a 3 pointer. Dunking is allowed, however, dunking is not allowed during warm-ups or during halftime and will result in a technical foul.
3. 7 Players’ names must be on roster to make it valid.
4. If a Parish does not have 7 players available, it may appeal to the OYAA Council, through the Executive Committee, and request to bring one or two players up from Junior Varsity to bring Varsity Roster to 7 players.
5. A Head Coach will be ejected with 2 technical fouls directly or 3 technical fouls between him and the bench.
6. No press or fast break will be used if a team’s lead is or exceeds 20 points.
1. A player must be in high school. A player, under 18 years of age and in college and not playing collegiate basketball, shall be permitted to play with the High School Varsity Team.
2. High School Boys rules apply except as to basketball size.
3. Ball size is Intermediate (28.5).
1. A player must be 18 years of age or a graduate from High School.
2. OYAA High School Rules will be observed. Dunking is allowed, however dunking isn't allowed during warm-ups or half time and will result in a technical foul.
3. A coach may play. It is advisable that each team have a non-playing coach.
4. One forfeiture, by a team, constitutes forfeiture of all remaining games unless extenuating circumstances prevail at which time an appeal may be made to the Executive Committee for disposition.
5. The Father Commissioner and the Executive Committee will review and rule on the composition of each team. If there is more than one team entered by the same parish, this review will afford the Executive Committee the opportunity to verify that both teams shall play all the games on the schedule.
6. The roster for Adult Teams must have 8 players names.
7. The winner of the Adult B division must move up to the Adult A division for at least one season.
8. Women’s Division uses the Intermediate (28.5) ball.
All Final Scores will be sent to oyaa.bayareasports@gmail.com by the score keepers at the end of each game. Scores will be updated weekly on the league website: http://oyaasportscentral.com
Our Lay Commissioner, Chris Kallas can be reached at 650-278-3379 and at oyaabayareasports@gmail.com